Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Analysis: The Study of Perfect Competition and Monopoly

In immaculate rivalry, the market comprises of an immense number of purchasers and dealers and thus, a solitary purchaser or vender, anyway enormous, can not impact the market cost of an item by changing his own interest/gracefully of the item. All the organizations produce and sell homogeneous items. The items should be indistinguishable regarding quality, assortment, shading, structure, pressing, and other selling conditions at all. There are no obstructions to passage or exit in the market. Firms have total opportunity to move in or move out of any industry with no impediment. The components of creation can be moved all through the market effectively and easily. Products, administrations and work are entirely versatile among firms and customers. In an ideal serious market, purchasers and venders should have ideal information about the overarching economic situations. Firms don't need to acquire any expense on transportation of merchandise starting with one piece of the market then onto the next. There are not really any Govt. intercessions in the matter of the homesteads. Because of every one of these components, in immaculate rivalry, firms can just win ordinary benefits From the previously mentioned attributes, it is without question that no such market can exist in reality. The supposition of enormous number of venders and item homogeneity infer that every single individual firm in immaculate rivalry are value takers, the interest bend being endlessly flexible which implies that organizations can sell any measure of item at the common cost. Productâ homogeneity is absolutely an unreasonable idea. There are consistently sure obstructions to passage and exit for the organizations in any market. Elements of creation can not be totally portable among firms and transportation cost consistently exists in each market. ‘Perfect knowledge’ never exists among all purchasers and venders and there is not really any market where the administration is without any capacity to control it. Immediate and roundabout assessments are basic in all aspects of the world. Syndication Syndication, being the specific inverse of the entirely serious market, comprises of just a single merchant of an item. The items are not homogeneous in nature and thus, there is no nearby substitute for them. Also, obstructions of passage are high and the organizations can either fix the cost or control the gracefully of an item. A monopolist applies value separation (various costs are charged for a similar item from various clients); in this manner gaining super-typical benefits. Unadulterated restraining infrastructure is likewise uncommon in today’s advertise structure. There are in every case some nearby substitutes for each item or administration. Along these lines while the National Railways might be named a syndication, the Road Transport Corporation gives a nearby substitute to the administrations gave by the previous. Indeed, even a couple of decades prior, in creating nations like India, the National Airlines and TV channel, Electricity Boards and so on. In any case, with the globalization and advancement act in 1992, an enormous number of private players from over the world entered the market and increased significant piece of the pie. De Beers was considered as one of the best normal monopolist on the planet holding somewhat under 90 percent of piece of the pie in the mid-1980s, yet at the same time it was not the single player in the precious stone market. In this way, in spite of the fact that there might be sure markets which intently take after certain states of great and syndication rivalries, however considering the definition and attributes of both these two kinds of business sectors, it can without much of a stretch be reasoned that the presence of such markets in the current age, is just an imaginary idea. References Financial matters for Managers, ICFAI Center for Management and Research (ICMR) Publications, section: 6 †7                Â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Criticism Essay Topics

Criticism Essay TopicsCriticism essay topics come in many forms and are meant to answer many different questions. What could these questions be? Most of them have to do with health and living.How will one cope with this condition and what is one's strategy for doing so? How can a person recover from the sudden transformation from being an average person to an obese person? Does one get worse or better as he or she ages? How does one deal with the scourge of anxiety, which may be an outcome of stress? These are the questions that need to be addressed when one tries to write an essay on health and living.One way to address these issues is to make use of one's medical expertise. There are lots of doctors who specialize in all these areas. For example, someone who has just started his or her career in the medical field can write an essay on health and living.One person can also help another, especially one who is undergoing some health problems, to cope with the situation. The person can then use the essay to point out how he or she can handle the situation. There are a lot of people who post their experiences on Reddit or are quite willing to share their medical and life situations.What about those who cannot write an essay because of their age? One way to improve your writing skills is to simply get yourself some help. Through the use of technology, there are plenty of tutors who can help you with this. There are online sites that offer courses that you can take if you are incapable of writing an essay on health and living on your own.For those who cannot write on health and living, there are also online tutorials that can provide one with insight and guidance in writing an essay. All one needs todo is create a question on the line of 'How can a person cope with such a condition?' and include the key words 'criticism essay topics' to find answers.You may also look up the internet forums, where people gather to discuss their concerns. You will soon find forums dev oted to health and living and you can use these forums to find other people who are interested in discussing this topic. You can also ask them to point out the sources for information on health and living. Some people may also be able to give you advice on how to write an essay on health and living.Another good way to get some feedback on your essay topics is to take a psychology class at college. If you can't find a professor who can give you advice, you can find a college advisor who can do this for you.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

My Experience in Private Certified Housing

My Experience in Private Certified Housing Hey guys, As some of you may already know, Im a senior, so Ive been removed from the housing process  for about three years now. However, I still recall my days in Private Certified  Housing very vividly, so I hope I can help you out there. When I was a freshman, just like now, we had two choices: University  or Private Certified Housing. A  lot of my friends from high school who had also gotten into Illinois  had gone with  Private Certified Housing because of the bigger rooms, so I did  too. Specifically, we all lived at Bromley Hall on 3rd and Chalmers. (Image found here) Bromley was a very cool building. It had 13 stories (I lived on the 13th), a swimming pool, a workout room, a computer lab, and other recreational stuff like a ping-pong table. The floors were co-ed, so there was equal opportunity to meet both guys and girls. It was also pretty central to the Quad, the ARC, and to a bus stop, so I really was never in want of anything as a freshman. I would say my only complaint was  that, because Private Certified Housing has a different credit system than University Housing, I could only eat at Bromley. Well, I hope my experience  helps you guys make a better decision when youre deciding  where to live next fall. Until next time, Kenny Kenny Class of 2016 I’m in the Creative Writing program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I’m originally from Tampa, Florida, but I’ve been calling Illinois my home since 1998. I’ve lived all over the Northwest suburbs, from Palatine to Lakemoor to where I currently live back home, Mundelein.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Schizophrenia, It s A Long And Confusing Word Essay

Schizophrenia, it’s a long and confusing word. It can be quite a puzzling disorder to most as well. It has been called madness, hysteria, and even paranoia in the past but that is not the case today. However, Schizophrenia has many meanings, for there is not a specific definition. One of those meaning states it is a â€Å"chronic (long-lasting) brain disorder, affecting 1 in every 100 people worldwide† (Schizophrenia, 2013). What exactly is schizophrenia though? What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? What can I do treatment wise? These are common questions every person has when discovering and being diagnosed with a disorder. These questions are very significant and need to be answered. Schizophrenia is derived from the â€Å"Greek words schizo which means split and phrene , which means mind† (Schizophrenia, 2016). One can see how these two words would bring out the meaning of Schizophrenia, as a person with this identity disorder can experience more voices than normal in their mind. However, this disorder is not to be mixed up with multiple personality disorder. Benedict Morel was the first person to propose the theory of Schizophrenia. This particular man thought schizophrenia was an innate biological defect and symptoms come from your family lineage (Jeste Mueser, 2008). Not only is this disorder thought to be in one’s family lineage it is thought to occur in more men than women. Schizophrenia was first brought to light and â€Å"classified as a distinct mental disorder byShow MoreRelatedSchizophrenia And Its Effects On Schizophrenia815 Words   |  4 Pagesand has schizophrenia. According to Mayo Clinic â€Å"Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior. Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia is not a split personality or multiple personality. 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One of the many puzzling characteristics of schizophrenia is that men generally suffer fromRead MoreSummary of Alien Abductee/Memory Article1778 Words   |  8 Pageswith memory lapse and absorption) and depression. The final inventory measured four schizotypal and schizophrenia- related measures: perceptual aberration, unconventional forms of causation, and ideas of reference an d extreme manifestation of schizophrenia liability. A one-way ANOVA showed no evidence of differences in age or education among groups. Materials Participants were presented with word lists that share a common theme within the list. The lists were randomly picked from 24 lists. TheRead MoreDr. Young s Thy Word Is Truth, We Travel1810 Words   |  8 PagesIn Dr. Young’s Thy Word is Truth, we travel by faith along Scriptural reasoning exposing the true nature of God’s Word, inerrant, infallible, standing alone in its identity and ability to save our souls. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Leadership - 2340 Words

DIAKOUMIS LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM â€Å"THE DIRTY DOZEN† In the next paragraphs we are going to examine the Leadership lessons derived from the film â€Å"THE DIRTY DOZEN† based on the LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE book by Kouzes and Posner and the Leadership model and theory they establish through their analysis. According to their model there are specific steps/functions which constitute the process of establishing an effective leadership. The first step is to model the way: you need to do exactly what you are saying you are going to do and be a moving example of what you preach. Be able to show empathy, put yourself under the difficulties that you ask the others to go through. Provide efficient directions, evaluation, clear-cut procedures and†¦show more content†¦Great leaders have the ability to challenge the process by seeking for opportunities that break the status quo and go against the current condition of things through experimentation and risk-taking. These leaders inspire a shared vision by looking / heading at a future that is different than the present and convince the others to join them in an effort to attain this new and perhaps improved reality. Providing a climate of collaboration and strengthening enable others to act. Providing an example to others for success and winning is the next component that models the way and finally, appraisal and celebration of success encourages the heart. Reisman in his dealings with the DIRTY DOZEN employs all the practices used by effective leaders – he is challenging the process (by being not a typical / conventional military leader), he is inspiring a shared vision (by clarifying to them the importance of the mission’s goal and their shared destiny, which is freedom instead of imprisonment or death, and the re-pursue of their self-respect and appreciation), he is enabling others to act (by giving them space, some freedom of initiative, defusing power to them and be themselves the guardians of their own destiny and success), he is modeling the way (by setting the example and planning for small but powerful wins), and finally he is encouraging the heart of the DIRTY DOZEN (by recognizing individual contributions and celebrating accomplishments). He is a humane and effectiveShow MoreRelatedThe Leadership Of Leadership And Leadership842 Words   |  4 Pagesideals of leadership, I met with two respected and admired scho ol leaders: the Assistant Principal/Dean of Curriculum, and the Athletic Director. I chose these two school leaders because I wanted to gain an understanding of leadership from two diverse perspectives. I am thankful for the opportunity to hear from two different types of leaders, who ultimately share a lot of the same visions for my school and for leadership in general. While both subjects shared a similar definition of leadership, theirRead MoreLeadership And Leadership Of Leadership1711 Words   |  7 Pages7. Facilitative Leadership Facilitative leadership is dependent on quantities and outcomes – not a skill, though it takes much skill to master. The efficiency of a group is directly related to the effectiveness of its process. If the group is high operational, the facilitative leader uses a light hand on the procedure. 8. Laissez-faire Leadership Laissez-faire leadership gives expert to workers. According to AZ central, sections or subordinates are acceptable to work as they choose with nominal.Read MoreLeadership : Leadership And Leadership1605 Words   |  7 PagesLeadership Examined There have been many great leaders down through history. Leaders that have influenced change throughout many aspects of society. Great leaders have great influence. The effectiveness of a leader is determined by his leadership style. With so many styles to choose from, and the fact that not one style fits all situations, becoming an effective leader is a challenging task. One reflective note is that it is important to cultivate good leadership skills. One must evaluate personalRead MoreLeadership : Leadership And Leadership1225 Words   |  5 Pages with their team. Leadership is â€Å"the behavior of an individual . . . directing the activities of a group toward a shared goal† (Hemphill Coons, (1957). p. 7). †¢ Leadership is â€Å"the influential increment over and above mechanical compliance with the routine directives of the organization† (Katz Kahn, (1978). p. 528). †¢ Leadership is â€Å"the process of influencing the activities of an organized group toward goal achievement† (Rauch Behling, (1984). p. 46). †¢ â€Å"Leadership is about articulatingRead MoreLeadership : Leadership And Leadership1476 Words   |  6 PagesLeadership Effectiveness There are many different approaches to leadership, which can be dependent upon the task at hand. Some leaders are authoritative, making all the decisions for group members and allowing no space for error or input. There are those who may opt to take the President Obama approach with a more democratic leadership role, inviting the ideas of others and encouraging open communication and staff participation. 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Leadership is not something you can learn from a book, but you have to gain this skill through experiences such as holding an office, organizing an event, speaking in front of people, or participating in a leadership programRead MoreLeadership Theories Of Leadership And Leadership Essay771 Words   |  4 PagesLeadership is important because it helps followers reach a common goal. There have been several studies based on effective leadership. The definition of leadership has evolved over the years adapting to the different views of the world. Leaders have influence on their followers they are looked up to. Being a leader means there will be interaction with different behaviors and personalities. Effective leaders sometimes have to adjust their style approach by the situation they are in. Every followersRead MoreTransformational Leadership : Leadership And Leadership887 Words   |  4 PagesThe idea of leadership has transformed throughout the years to encompass varying aspects of leadership approaches, leadership types and the like. According to Summerfield (2014), C. F. Rauch and O. Behling, quote leadership as: Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an organized group toward goal achievement. Given its broad definition, leadership is understood to have different meanings when applied to diverse situations. For example, there are different types of approaches toRead MoreOrganizational Leadership : Leadership And Leadership1568 Words   |  7 PagesConceptualizing Leadership Leadership is different in the eyes of each and every individual. What one person considers great leadership may be viewed by another as too demanding. Ultimately, time, place, situation, and people involved are considered some of the view variables for which type of leadership will be most effective. Through taking the Gallup Strengths Finder survey, I have been able to cement some of my top strengths and see how they come into play in my daily life. Learning about strengths

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fast Food Popularity Free Essays

Fast food is a huge growth in our country. Fast food restaurants are constantly trying to increase their popularity growth by lowering prices and getting faster food service technology. With this said there is a huge competition between fast food restaurants all around increasing there popularity. We will write a custom essay sample on Fast Food Popularity or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many key factors to the reasons why popularity of fast food keeps on growing. It is believed that price may be a contributing factor to the increase in popularity of fast food. However, laziness is the main cause. Fast food restaurants can make a whole meal in just minutes unlike making food at home. The time it takes us to buy and cook food, fast food restaurants can make a large group of people food. People these days are becoming lazier because of the amount of inventions people are making and the way everything is becoming less complicated. What makes people lazy, when going to a fast food restaurant instead of cooking, is that they will drive to get there food then wait for it to be cooked and then drive home and eat it. That shows how they are just too lazy to get up and cook their own food. The technology fast food providers are coming out with is making them faster and faster which is also increasing the amount of popularity of each restaurant. The time it takes to get our food is a big factor in the growth of that restaurant. Fast Food restaurants are located almost everywhere you drive in the United States and more. With fast food restaurants pretty much everywhere, it makes them even more popular. There is a bigger selection of fast food restaurants then there are stores to buy food at. Almost every road we drive on has advertisement of a fast food restaurant on a sign. Even television has many advertisements that grab children’s attention as well as others. There are approximately 65 different types of fast food restaurants internationally. That is not including all the Mexican, pizza, ice-cream and so on. With this number of restaurants to choose from it makes people have an easy choice of where to go. The price we pay to make food at home don’t compare to a one dollar burger at a Fast Food restaurant. Cheap food is a great way to getting the popularity of a restaurant to grow. People don’t like spending a lot of money on food so they have the choice of a dollar menu at most fast food restaurants. Some people don’t make as much money as others which makes them decide to go the cheap way out by buying fast food instead of having to pay more to get a homemade dinner. Although the meal may not be as healthy as a homemade meal, the price pays off in their mind. Some days we just are too busy to be able to cook so the first thing that comes to mind is Fast Food. People who are lazy sitting at home don’t feel like getting up or doing anything, so they just call a fast food place to deliver food straight to their door. Some people even don’t have the time to make their own lunch in the morning so they just get in there car and go through a drive through. When sitting at home and watching television, people don’t feel like cooking and just go grab something to eat at a fast food restaurant instead. How to cite Fast Food Popularity, Essays

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Impact of Oil and Gas Industry on the Economy

Question: Analyze the oil and gas industry, focus on the industry as a whole to the US economy. Then define the oil and gas industry. What would you define this industry? Based on what information and clues did you define the oil and gas industry? Answer: Introduction Oil and gas is an important industry in the United States and the contribution to the economy is immense. Many people are employed in this particular sector and this sector employs a huge number of people. On the other hand, the impact is also felt on different other sectors. Recently, the oil industry is going through a slump and the prices of the oil barrels are going down. This report focuses on the impact of this industry on the overall economy and the comparison is made among the different companies. Role of the Oil industry in the United States United States produces about 5% of the total oil on a global scale and it employs a huge number of people. The oil industry consists of the refining, transportation, distribution and refining of the crude oil and the operations of the industry is divided into upstream, downstream and midstream. On the other hand, the operations of the gas industry can also be divided into downstream and upstream sectors. Gas consists of about 29% of the total energy consumed in the total economy (Wang). There is huge number of companies in the oil sectors and popular companies include, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, BP and Shell. Oil companies are involved in selling, distributing and refining of the crude oil and at the same time, the companies are also involved in the hedging and trading of the oil stocks (Brock). In the recent wake of the decrease in the prices of the oil, this fell below $30 per barrel the companies faced severe loss. Most of the traders went for a short position regarding the fall in the prices of stock prices and many traders at the same time suffered huge losses. The unexpected reduction in the price of the oil stocks is because of the over-production of the oil and lack of demands for oil. This sector employs about 8.4 million peoples and 1.4 million jobs in indirect way (Geraci). The net labor income by the company, that is the aggregate of the capital spending, dividend income and operational spending by the company was $597.6 billion, which was about 6.5% of the total labor income of the United States (Macdonald, Stephen). Moreover, the total employment was about 5.7% of the whole US economy, the labor income was about 6.5% of the net economy of the United States. The state of California received the highest income from the oil industry and Texas gave highest number o f employment in the US economy (Alexandersson). Moreover, this sector helps in creating indirect employment to different other sectors like agriculture, mining, constructions, wholesale and retail trading and financial services. On the other hand, the capital investment impact of this company on other sectors like mining, agriculture, financial services and constructions is huge. Capital investment impact and operational impact helps to boost the whole of the economy and at the same time create a he number of employment opportunities in the United States. The similar impact is felt on the wages, dividend and labor incomes (Brock). The labor income is estimated at $203.6 billion, the capital expenditure income stands at $176.7 billion. The dividend payments by this company to the shareholders estimated at $32 billion and the capital expenditures made by this company was $527.6 billion (Knothe). From the above discussions it can be understood that the impact of this sector on the economy is huge and they helps in creating a huge num ber of employment opportunities. Analysis of oil companies The four main companies in the United States in the oil sector are Shell, Chevron. BP and Exxon Mobil. They are the competitors of each other and hold the majority of the oil market in US. These companies hold the top six positions of the United States. Company Total Equity ($ billions) Exxon Mobil 170.81 Shell 162.87 Chevron 155.02 BP 98.387 Table 1: Analysis of the equity capital of the companies (Source: Card, David and Alan) Company Total Assets ($ billions) Exxon Mobil 349.49 Shell 340.15 Chevron 266.25 BP 261.8 Table 2: Analysis of the total assets of the companies (Source: Rabe, Stephen) Company Net Income ($ billions) Exxon Mobil 21.96 Shell 1.94 Chevron 4.58 BP - 6.2 Table 3: Analysis of the total assets of companies (Source: Bierbaum, Rosina, et al.) In case of Exxon mobil, the dividend per share was $2.7, the market quotation for common stocks was $104.75, the total revenue of the company was $411,939 billion and the earnings per share was $7.60 (Anderson, Irvine). On the other hand, in case of Chevron, the earnings per share of the company were -35.39 cents in both the case of basic and diluted shares and the dividend payment was 5850. In case of Shell, the earnings per share was 0.31 cents and the share capital of the company was 546 million. On the other hand, the earnings per share in case of BP, was -35.39 cents and this company incurred a loss of -6482 million in the current financial year. From the above data, it can be conclded that Exonn Mobil is way ahead of the competitors in terms of financial data (Annual Report 2016). Recommendation The time is volatile and uncertain for the oil industry, due to decrease in the prices of the oil barrels. It is important for the government to correctly hedge the oil prices and build a reserve of oil. Moreover, excessive shorting of the oil stocks by the traders will have an adverse impact on the economy and the government must intervene in this regard. On the other hand, the role of the different regulatory bodies like OPEC is very much important and they must take a neutral stand and take the whole of the economy out of the mess. Therefore, these steps will help the industry to improve their financial condition to recover the loss that they have faced recently. Conclusion After analyzing the report, it can be concluded that oil industry plays a dominant role in the economy of the United States and many people are employed in this sector. On the other hand, this sector provides indirect benefit to different other sectors as well. The oil industry is going through a bad phase due to the lowering prices of the oil barrels. The role of the government has become significant in the current scenario. Therefore, it has seen that the oil and gas industry influence the economical graph of United States that has recently decreased a little but the researcher has recommended some suggestions to gain their previous position again in the world business as a large industry. Reference Alexandersson, Gunnar.The Industrial Structure of American Cities (Routledge Library Editions: Economic Geography). Routledge, 2015. Anderson Jr, Irvine H.Aramco, the United States, and Saudi Arabia: A study of the dynamics of foreign oil policy, 1933-1950. Princeton University Press, 2014. Bierbaum, Rosina, et al. "A comprehensive review of climate adaptation in the United States: more than before, but less than needed."Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change18.3 (2013): 361-406. Brock, James.The structure of American industry. Waveland Press, 2013. Card, David, and Alan B. Krueger.Myth and measurement. Princeton University Pres, 2015. Geraci, Joseph, ed.Sea mammals and oil: confronting the risks. Elsevier, 2012. Knothe, Gerhard, Jrgen Krahl, and Jon Van Gerpen, eds.The biodiesel handbook. Elsevier, 2015. Macdonald, Stephen.Petroleum conservation in the United States: An economic analysis. Vol. 5. Routledge, 2013. Rabe, Stephen G.The road to OPEC: United States relations with Venezuela, 1919-1976. University of Texas Press, 2014. Wang, Zhongmin, and Alan Krupnick. "A Retrospective Review of Shale Gas Development in the United States: What Led to the Boom?."Resources for the Future DP(2013): 13-12.